Monday, August 18, 2008

Little Prince visit to My Office.

Little prince arriving our office with great smile..seems to be very joyful. Little prince name is Hari. Sweet welcome to our office.

He conquered everyone with his cute smile...Innocent look, as a reward for his smile, he got more than 50 kisses.

Yeah, Now its show time... Our prince gave so many poses to our photographers and he enjoyed it. Hari almost looks a doll.

Ohhh my god... Tried of posing to all photographer, jumping from one person to another, chins are paining after getting soo many kisses and feel sleepy ... now its time to say bye! bye!! and have an appointment to meet angels on dreams... Let us wish him a SWEET DREAMS

note for International readers: Let me tell you about Two black dots on forehead and chin.It is a old traditional myth that, this Black dots for to safe(protect) children from Black magic (evil).

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